The terms used to describe cancer in word list; R
Radiosensitizers; or chemical modifiers are substances that make cancer more sensitive to radiation. The goal of research into these types of substances is to develop agents that will make the tumor more sensitive without affecting normal tissues. Research is also ongoing to find substances that may protect normal cells from radiation.
Radon; is a radioactive gas that you cannot see, smell, or taste. It forms in soil and rocks. People who work in mines may be exposed to radon. In some parts of the country, radon is found in houses. People exposed to radon are at increased risk of lung cancer.
Recurrence. New tumors that appear at the site of the original tumor after surgery.
Retinoblastoma; when occurring in young children, is due to a hereditary mutation in the retinoblastoma gene.
Reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR); is a method of making many copies of a specific RNA sequence.
Robotoic surgery. This term refers to manipulation of surgical instruments remotely by robotic arms and other devices controlled by a surgeon. Robotic systems have been used for several types of cancer surgery; radical prostatectomy is among the most common application in surgical oncology.
Rudolf Virchow; often called the “founder of cellular pathology”, provided the scientific basis for the modern pathologic study of cancer. The 19th century saw the birth of scientific oncology with the discovery and use of the modern microscope.
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