The terms used to describe cancer in word list; X
Xenobiotic. Natural substances that are foreign to the body.
Xeroradiograph. A picture of the body recorded on paper rather than on film. Also called a xerogram.
X-ray: 1. High-energy radiation with waves shorter than those of visible light. X-rays possess the properties of penetrating most substances (to varying extents), of acting on a photographic film or plate (permitting radiography), and of causing a fluorescent screen to give off light (permitting fluoroscopy). In low doses X-rays are used for making images that help to diagnose disease, and in high doses to treat cancer. Formerly called a Roentgen ray. 2. An image obtained by means of X-rays.
X-ray, PA. An X-ray picture in which the beams pass from back-to-front (posteroanterior). By contrast an AP (anteroposterior) film is one in which the rays pass through the body from front-to-back.
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